KYFS’ Head Start and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Programs (ECEAP) are comprehensive, ‘whole-child’ and family-focused preschool services for low-income children ages three to five who live within the Kent School District.
Included in our part-day and full-day center-based preschool opportunities, is an intensive combination of high-quality education, health screenings and referrals, family engagement, parent leadership training, and support.
Our goal for this program is to address the gaps that children from low-income families have in meeting developmental milestones and kindergarten readiness.
For Children
- A safe, healthy learning environment that offers stimulating materials and experiences based on each child’s needs and goals.
- Lessons in problem solving, independence, self-help, initiative and self-control, which helps children build community and gain social skills.
- Early developmental and behavioral screenings to identify the need for early intervention services, with on-site counseling and/or special education referrals.
- Receiving 2-3 nutritious meals a day.
- Vision, hearing, and growth screenings, with referrals as necessary.
For Families
- Family support services and case management.
- Community resource and referral information and referrals to community services.
- Parent meetings, groups, and classes based on the parent’s interests.
- Job training and employment opportunities.
- Parent skill building opportunities.
- Education on health and nutrition and child development.
Facility Room Rental Opportunities
Meeting room with kitchenette, dividable, 62 people capacity each side.
Contact (253) 630-9590 for prices and availability.
- Head Start & ECEAP are available to families who earn up to 130% of the Federal poverty level and/or 36% of WA state median income.
- Children three to five years of age.
- Residing or attending daycare within the Kent School District service area.
Families receiving public assistance grants and children in foster care are eligible. To enroll in ECEAP and Head Start programs, children must be three years old by August 31.
Enrollment priority is given to children who meet the homeless definition and children who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) through the local school’s
Special Education Department.