
During Girls Club, one of the things we’ve been working on in every meeting is having our attendees demonstrate a positive and supportive energy. In order for this to happen, we’ve been doing different activities that allow the girls to see their true value and beauty.

In the middle of one activity, one of our younger girls, Isha, made a negative comment about herself. In the past when something like this would occur, most of our girls would ignore it or think nothing of it. However, this time one of the older girls, Alita, took the lead in encouraging Isha to think more positively about herself, which then spiraled into the rest of the girls encouraging Isha to do the same.

This was such a breakthrough moment for our girls, because having a high self-esteem and a positive attitude is something that I want them to develop now rather than later. Moments like these reassure me that they are in fact listening and the work I am doing with them is making a difference.


-Kent Youth & Family Services