Ashley was referred to counseling through Cedar Heights Middle School. She was getting in trouble for her behavior toward other students. Ashley was obsessed with male students and hassle them to the point where teachers and administrators would need to get involved.

Ashley struggled with anxiety and understanding social cues. She also had a hard time connecting with others. As her counselor, it was challenging to build a relationship with her. Ultimately, it was a long road, but we got there together.

I diagnosed her with Generalized Anxiety Disorder but also suspected she was on the Autism Spectrum. Ashley’s mother had her tested at the University of Washington. When the tests came back, both of my inclinations were correct. We continued to work on learning social cues, managing her anxiety, identifying emotions, and how to communicate with others effectively.

This summer, Ashley graduated from therapy feeling like she had all the tools she needed. Her mother also had the resources she needed in regards to having a child on the Autism Spectrum.


-Kent Youth and Family Services