After our May Silent Reading Party, the brave souls who attended our inaugural event said they were unsure how the event worked but curiosity got the best of them and decided to attend. They suggested a step-by-step guide for those who didn’t attend. Happily, we agreed and created this handy “Silent Reading Party Survival Guide.” We hope it helps.

  1. First, invite friends, family, and/or fellow book club members to come with you. New things like this are always easier with friends.
  2. Bring a good book with you. Two hours is a long time to spend reading something you hate.
  3. Arrive about 15 minutes before the event begins to claim your seat.
  4. When you walk in, you will notice music is playing. Until it stops, we invite you to talk and socialize.
  5. A few minutes before 6, we will invite you to grab some coffee, water, and a fabulous treat.
  6. Take a seat.
  7. The music will stop.
  8. We will briefly talk about KYFS and our early learning program, as well as our literacy efforts.
  9. Soft, reading music will begin to play.
  10. Sit quietly and read in uninterrupted silence for two hours. No kids, no phones, no distractions. Just you and a good book.
  11. The music will end and you free to go about your day.


Hope this helps,

-Kent Youth and Family Services