On behalf of Kent Youth and Family Services Board of Directors President, David Huhs, KYFS staff and volunteers and most importantly the children, youth and families who turn to KYFS for assistance, “thank you” to each of you who supported KYFS throughout 2016.

Throughout the year the KYFS Management Team, program staff and board of directors undertook a Strategic Planning process. This plan, still in draft form at the end of 2016, will revise the KYFS Mission Statement, clearly delimitate KYFS’s Values and provide a Vision statement. In addition the KFYS Strategic Plan sets out a three to four year strategic course for each program, behavioral health, early childhood education, transitional housing and after school youth development, in addition to KYFS administration, fund development, volunteer capacity, and governance. Look for the Strategic Plan appearing in KYFS social media early in 2017.

Click the image below to see the entire report.